Pay A Compliment Day
Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? One of those days where it seems like everyone is frowning and growling at you? Did you ever think to yourself on those days, “Boy, if just one person would smile at me or say something nice, it would sure turn things around!”
Not such a small thing
So many people underestimate the power of a smile or a kind word. Well, February 6, 2022 is Pay a Compliment Day. So why not take that day as a challenge? Start out the day by paying a compliment to your parents, spouse, significant other. Thank the barrista when you pick up your morning jolt, and wish them a nice day…even if they aren’t friendly!
Be the change
Even if you get to work, and everyone acts like they live on a diet of vinegar and lemons, determine to be the one to change that atmosphere. Just because everyone around you may be gloomy does not mean that you have to join them. How about telling someone you like the way they wear their hair? Or compliment the outfit someone else is wearing? Or tell a coworker you think they’re doing a good job. It really doesn’t have to be anything big—just a sincere positive statement that you can make to another person.
Sincerity is best
The thing about a sincere compliment is that most people can sense the sincerity; so make sure you keep it honest and don’t exaggerate. In other words, there’s no need to tell a male coworker he looks like Jason Momoa, or the woman who brews your latte that she dresses like Bella Hadid. A simple, “You look good in that color,” or “that was a good presentation you gave,” is enough to turn someone’s day around.
You can pay a compliment anytime, to anyone. Who knows? The next time you’re feeling down, maybe you’ll be on the receiving end of a compliment that turns your whole day around!