You matter.
You matter to your family. You matter to your friends. You matter to your neighbors and you matter to your community.
You matter.
At times, it can be hard to believe that statement is true. But–when it comes down to it–you’re wanted here, on this earth, persevering through all the trials and tribulations life may throw at you. Here’s why.
Think of those who would grieve after losing you. Your family, friends, neighbors and overall community would wonder why they didn’t know or do enough to help you. No one will be better off without you. It’s not just you that suicide affects. It’s everyone around you, too.
National Suicide Awareness Month is designed to rethink the way in which you view yourself and how you manage any dark thoughts you may have. This September, if you’re struggling with these thoughts, it’s time to acknowledge them and take steps in a better direction.
The negative thought patterns associated with suicidal thinking are a dangerous habit. Thoughts sink into the mind and remain there until you take action to get rid of them. The cliche “ways to clear your mind of negativity” articles might make you roll your eyes. Heck–this one might as well. But, as cliche as they may seem, they’ve also been shown to help.
It’s not good to keep things to yourself. Talk about the bumps in the road to trusted family, friends or therapists in your community.
Try to empty your mind for just a moment. When your thoughts are running a mile per minute, it can be difficult to stay calm and think logically. When you can’t think straight, take a minute or two of deep breaths without interruption. Rely on those family, friends or therapists mentioned above to help you get there, if necessary.
Change your focus. We know, it’s easier said than done. But try to shift your thoughts away from hurting yourself to something else. When it feels impossible to focus on anything other than the pain, seek a positive distraction.
Give it time. Even if your emotions feel impossible to overcome, they may be easier to manage in a few days. Commit to waiting a day and then reevaluating how you feel.
Be creative. Write in a journal. Draw. Paint. Play guitar. Do something–anything–that relieves your anxiety. Make sure this is a healthy activity. Try some tips mentioned in this Mental Health America blog.
Take a walk. Nature is out there for us to explore and reflect on earth’s undivided attention. Soak it in. It’s something easily attainable to all of us.
List every worthwhile thing in your life, because–well–there’s a lot of them.
We can start that list for you. It goes something like this:
You have the ability to smile, and make others smile too
You have yet to meet so many people who you will love, and who will love you in return
You know when it’s time to speak up and seek support
You’re on the road to recovery, just by your willingness to read this article
And, ultimately, because you’ve made it this far.
However, if these suggestions seem too simplistic for you and your situation, keep going until you find the help you need. Your mental health can never be taken too seriously. There is no shame in seeking help.
Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911 immediately. Look for resources in your community as well.
Suicide is a permanent reaction to a temporary problem. Please look for help if you need it. We all want you here.
Native Reach content is for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to substitute any medical information nor be treated as official guidelines. Please be sure to check local and national resources and/or the opinions of medical professionals when making life decisions. Native Reach is not responsible for content to third party links.