
Event Series Gentle Yoga

Gentle Yoga


In this practice you stay low to the ground and complete a variety of exercises that will focus on opening up the hips, lengthening the hamstrings, and give you a little bit of mobility through spine. Wednesdays 10-11am

Event Series After School at AICA

After School at AICA


After School at AICA For Children Ages 6-12 Every Wednesday Throughout The School Year (unless a federal holiday) 4:30-6:00pm To Register Your Children:  414-930-9210 or email

Health and Wellness Expo

Oneida Community Health Center

Jan 23rd from 11-2:30pm at the Oneida Community Health Center.  Join us for an afternoon filled with health info, giveaways, recipes, and more!  Free Event, all are welcome. 

Friday Speaker Series


Friday, January 24th from 1-3pm at the ACIA Activity Center Join us for our Friday Speaker Series featuring Susan Angel Miller. This presentation will be about grief and grief management.  Each participant will receive a free copy of her book and a light lunch will also be available.  RSVP today! 414-930-9210 or email

Monday Wellness Series


Monday, Jan 27th from 6-8pm Monday wellness series- out with the old in with the new.  RSVP Today: 414-930-9210 or email:

Event Series Chair Yoga

Chair Yoga


Anyone can practice yoga with the assistance of a chair, regardless of mobility level. This practice is meant to feel accessible for your body. You will focus on deep breathing, some movement, and gentle stretching. Tuesdays 4:00-5:00

Event Series Level 1 Yoga

Level 1 Yoga


Vinyasa Flow (Level 1 Yoga) is a style of yoga that syncs movement with breath. Throughout this practice you will hear cues for both breath, and movement at the same time in order to create a rhythm and flow for the practice. Tuesdays 5:30-6:30